New Bolsa Família | Find out if you are eligible!

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It is very likely that the current Auxílio Brasil program will be renamed Bolsa Família in 2023. The so-called New Bolsa Família is already being a topic among the main highlights of the current news, especially with the last presidential contest, generating doubts among citizens who need the benefit.

This project, divided into stages, encompasses a large part of the Brazilian population who wait for the monthly benefit to buy basic necessities and help families without a fixed income to survive and have the minimum required by law.

New Bolsa Família
(Reproduction: Campo Alegre City Hall – Goiás)
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If you are a beneficiary of the program and are here, you must have many questions regarding the change in the program, as well as whether the values and rules will undergo any changes in this transition.

To answer all your questions regarding the New Bolsa Família, we have put together this article that will help you with information about the program, people who are eligible, how to register and what the situation should be like until next year. 

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The New Bolsa Família

The New Bolsa Família is a government project that aims to continue offering value to families in situations of social vulnerability and low income, which should continue under Lula's government, which will have a new mandate in 2023.

And so that there is no confusion, this is the current Auxilio Brasil, in force since October 2021, under the government of then president Jair Bolsonaro. Nothing changes regarding the rules, just the name. And the value of R$600 reais, guaranteed through PEC Bolsa Família, must also be continued.

New Bolsa Família
(Reproduction: Jornal da USP)

The main promise of President Lula and his team is not only to maintain the value, but also to provide an increase of R$150 per child up to 6 years of age. And this is always working to be fulfilled, and all other rules should be published later this year.

Now that we understand that the value of the aid intends to be maintained, but has not yet been confirmed, let's explain who is entitled to receive the New Bolsa Família in 2023 and how to guarantee the benefit.  

Who is entitled to receive it?

According to the Federal Constitution of our country, every citizen has the right to housing and food, in addition to other provisions necessary for their quality of life. When these rights are not achieved by you, it is the State's obligation to provide them to those who need them most. 

New Bolsa Família
(Reproduction: Federal Government)

The New Bolsa Família is a benefit that will protect this right for Brazilians in poverty and extreme poverty, and has some rules that assess who can have access to the amount available under the program. See here who can receive it in 2023.

Rules of the New Bolsa Família

The program will cover families with a monthly income of up to R$ 89 per person, considered to be in extreme poverty; Families with income between R$ 89.01 and R$ 178 per person per month, considered poor; Families that have a pregnant woman, as well as children or adolescents up to 17 years of age.

But for these to be covered, other rules were implemented in the New Bolsa Família, in order to establish a program that not only offers cash value, but also promotes the social ascension of these groups. It is required:

  • Families with children and adolescents up to 15 years of age must have a minimum school attendance of 85%. Adolescents between 16 and 17 years of age, minimum school attendance of 75%;
  • The vaccination card must be up to date;
  • Pregnant women must undergo prenatal care;
  • Women who are breastfeeding and are between 14 and 44 years of age must have regular medical monitoring;
  • Regular medical monitoring is also required for children up to 7 years of age;
  • Adolescents up to 15 years of age must not be subjected to child labor;
  • Registered families must update data every 24 months.

If you comply with the new rules and want to apply for the benefit, or think you are already registered but need to update, you need to be aware that some reformulations are being made to the system that stores family data. Check out how to receive the New Bolsa Família even with updates.

How to receive the New Bolsa Família

The information is a basis for what has already been happening in the current government, and it is known that the changes will not be major for the next one. All final rules will still be published, awaiting the result of the PEC that will define the standards. It is important to always stay informed for future news. 

Families already registered and with their situations regularized must automatically migrate to the new program, without the need to carry out a new registration with CRAS, just as happened previously with the change from the old Bolsa Família to Auxílio Brasil. If you are already registered and in good standing, there is no need to worry.

New Bolsa Família
(Reproduction: Diário de Pernambuco)

It is extremely important to check that your registration is duly regularized, as your registration is at risk of being closed and blocked from now on. To prevent this from happening, keep it updated. Families with registration from 2016, for example, are already being removed from the benefit due to a lack of updating or some breach of the rules during verification.

If you want to start receiving the New Bolsa Família and meet the necessary requirements, you need to contact the social services sector of your city hall, or the nearest CRAS to register with CadÚnico, which is controlled by the government. You can also access the website by clicking here to find out more information.

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Now that you know more about the New Bolsa Família, the main information and rules for receiving government aid, we hope you have resolved your main doubts about how the next steps will be taken in 2023.

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