Discover 4 apps to learn English for free!

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Learning English is something necessary nowadays. Even if it is not common in your work, even to have fun it ends up being necessary to have some minimum knowledge of English. Watching series, films and listening to music becomes much easier when you have knowledge of English. In this way, you are good at learning English apps for free.

In fact, there are several courses in Brazil that promise great results for those who want to learn a different language. In fact, the vast majority of them offer different language options, such as English, German and Spanish. However, many people learn more when they focus on just one language.

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The advantage of learning English is that it is one of the most important languages in the world. It is very likely that you will eventually need to consume some content in English in your life. However, if you don't know the language, you could end up missing out on great opportunities. 

apps to learn English for free
(Reproduction: BBC)

At college, for example, knowing English can help you take interesting courses and read more recent articles, with a firm scientific basis. At work, you will be able to serve customers or even add value to your company in different ways.

In other words, having a good knowledge of English can open different doors for you. So, what do you think about using your cell phone to learn a little more about this language? I'm sure you'll soon be grateful for starting this new study habit.

apps to learn English for free

Currently, cell phones have technology that is impressive. Therefore, we have a world of opportunities on our hands. If we want to learn how to draw, we have this great tool. But if we want to learn how to cook, we can also learn on our cell phone. In other words, we can learn a lot of things using this great tool.

Normally, we use our cell phone to access social networks such as Instagram and Twitter. However, we can also use this tool to add value to our future. Taking courses and even earning money has become possible for those who have a cell phone in hand and willpower.

So, let's talk about apps that can help you learn a new language. By seeing the advantages of each one, you will be able to choose which one best fits your routine and will help you achieve your goals. 

First of all, it's worth remembering that the app for learning English won't work miracles. In other words, you need to be dedicated and try to study even just a few minutes a day. In other words, this constancy is essential in building the knowledge you will need to be able to perform optimally in your learning.


(Reproduction: Drops)

The Drops app aims to be able to teach people in an easy way, but which also manages to stick. Therefore, the application uses different dynamics that use interactions to bring a more productive experience for those looking to learn English.

The feedback about the application itself shows that different types of people found it easy to learn through the application. In other words, the application managed to reach different audiences and had positive effects on them.

Drops is not just English-language. In fact, there are 45 languages in total. Therefore, you can study more than one language if you are interested. The dynamics and interactions within the application will help you to capture this content more effectively. Furthermore, the application offers all of this for free both on Android (through Google Play Store) as on iOS (via App Store).


This app is essential for those who like to learn English with real scenes. This application shows some phrases spoken in real contexts, which can be either scenes from videos from content creators in English or scenes from series. This helps you to have a deeper understanding of the English content and more practice. 

Practical learning is the biggest highlight of this application. After all, in a dialogue in English, you won't be constantly thinking about grammar rules. This way, the application focuses on you being able to improve your understanding of what is said (the famous listening) and improve your pronunciation (the speaking).

This shouldn't be your only app for learning English. After all, you should also learn more deeply about some English rules and other points. 

Another interesting point about Cake is that it can show many slang words used daily by speakers of the language. After all, we know that people will not communicate in that formal way that we learned in English classes at school. In other words, it is important that you know these expressions and know when they should be used. Cake is available for Android (through the Google Play Store) and IOS (through the App Store).


duo 08523a2
(Reproduction: Duolingo)

You probably already know this application. After all, it is well known among people who want to learn a new language. It also offers several languages and all with very interesting dynamics. The application has both teaching moments and opportunities to put this knowledge into practice. 

Through it you will also do some tests (also called quiz) to be able to see if you really learned this content. This way, you will be putting into practice everything you are studying. 

You may have already seen this application on social media. After all, in addition to memes, the company itself uses social networks to create funny videos and thus promote the application. Like the others mentioned, Duolingo is also available for Android (through Google Play Store) and IOS (through the App Store).


This is another option that is also available for Android (through the Google Play Store) and IOS (through the App Store). It is similar to the others shown previously. However, there is also a difference in the graphical interface that can help (or hinder) learning.

The way of teaching, expressions used and assessments make the app for learning English interesting for those who want to start their studies. Babbel is already recognized for having excellent results among those looking to learn or improve their knowledge in other languages.

Which one is the best?

In fact, we've listed just the best apps we know. Of course, there may be other very good options. However, the ones we have listed will be very useful for you. I hope you enjoyed it and I wish you the best of luck in your studies!

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