Find out how to buy iPhone and accessories with a SUPER discount!

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A Apple is one of the most successful companies in the world. It is impossible to talk about the biggest technology companies without talking about the “little apple” company. Apple is responsible for the development of many products, such as iPhone (cell phone), Macbook (notebook), iPad (tablet) and many others.

If you are already an Apple user, then you should know that one of the main advantages of being an Apple customer is the possibility of being immersed in an ecosystem that really works. This concept of ecosystem in technology brands is growing a lot. However, none are as well established as Apple.

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Apple products, especially its iPhone, are desired by technology fans around the world. A great example is that many people join the waiting list to buy new models as soon as they are announced on the sales market. Therefore, we are talking about a product that goes far beyond technology.

iPhone: an unquestionable success 

(Reproduction: Apple)

There are those who prefer other cell phone brands other than Apple. However, even those who are fans of Android (the operating system of the Google) need to admit that the iPhone has many incredible advantages that make the cell phone an investment that really makes sense.

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On the day this article is being written, there are already a total of 13 iPhone lines (counting from 1 to 14, remembering to skip 9). Therefore, although we are already on the iPhone 14, know that even the previous models work very well. In fact, there are those who still buy the iPhone 8 and say that the device works very well and meets all their needs. 

The operating system that is allowing the iPhone to work is iOS. This system is fluid and developed in a way that provides greater security for its users. Furthermore, iOS updates are well built and reach a large number of devices, which is already a big difference when compared to devices with the Android operating system.

How to find a cheaper iPhone

If you are reading this article, it is very likely that you are looking to buy your next iPhone. Which could even be your first Apple model. However, we can agree that it is a very high investment and that it requires a lot of study to avoid losing money. Therefore, we are going to list some applications for you to pay cheaper on your iPhone.


O zoom It is already one of the main applications when it comes to a platform that indicates discounts. The application works by mapping which stores are offering the best discounts at that exact moment. You can even search for the exact product you are interested in to make your search even easier. For example: “iPhone 13”. This way, it will show the best prices for the iPhone 13.

Zoom is a very complete application. This way, in addition to showing the values, you can also find expert opinions about the device, price history to know if that value is really good and even posts on the company's blog that may be talking about the specific product, making comparisons or talking about similar topics.

One of the great advantages of Zoom is that, recently, the application brought a new feature that can help fans: the possibility of cashback. If you don't know what this term is about, continue reading the article that we will describe below about what this important term is about for everyone who wants to save money on the Internet.

Zoom has a web page that you can access and search for your favorite products there. However, you can also download the app on your cell phone. Just search the Google Play Store if you use Android. Or in the App Store, if you use an iPhone.


iphone 1
(Reproduction: Apple)

O Buscapé It is already a traditional application for Brazilians. After all, the app has been on the market for many years and continues to be of great use to those who are passionate about shopping for less. This was one of the first applications to become popular in Brazil whose objective was to show the lowest prices to its users.

The way Buscapé works is similar to the application mentioned above: you will have access to many categories in which you will see which interest best fits you. If you are looking for cell phones, click on the “cell phones” tab. However, you can do an exact search, such as “iPhone 11 256 gb”. This way, Buscapé will filter exactly the best value for the iPhone you want with the storage you are interested in.

Buscapé also has a web platform that you can access through your preferred browser. However, know that you can have an even better experience if you use the app. You can download it through the Google Play Store if you use Android. But if you use an iPhone, you can download it from the App Store. 


Until then, the Méliuz It is the most different platform we have ever mentioned on this list. After all, you saw that the applications mentioned so far were intended to show the lowest values, right? Méliuz will not have this role. In fact, you will use Méliuz to get cashback when purchasing your iPhone.

Before continuing, it is important that you understand what it means cashback. After all, this is an essential term for those looking to pay less when purchasing on the Internet. So understand that cashback This is when you receive money back from the purchase you made. An example: you buy an iPhone worth R$5,000.00 with cashback asset of 5%, then you will receive R$250.00 back.

You also need to understand that this modality is different from finding discounts. So, if you find a device worth R$5,000.00 with a discount of 5%, you need to have R$4,750.00 in your account to be able to purchase the item. But if you buy with cashback, you need to have R%5,000.00 in the account, but later you will receive R$250.00 back.

Browsing through Méliuz it will be possible to see that the platform has partnerships with many stores. Therefore, you will find much more than your future iPhone at an affordable price. However, pay attention to the percentage that each store offers. Try to find the stores that offer the lowest prices with the highest percentages of cashback. Therefore, you will be able to save much more.

Safe Choice Comparator

O ChooseSafe is a channel that mainly uses the YouTube platform to share its content. There you will find product reviews and comparisons between different items, such as iPhone versus Samsung models. This way, it's a great alternative for you to research whether it's really worth investing in the device you're interested in.

However, the group also has a comparator that can be installed in your Google Chrome browser. Its function is to form a graph that will show whether that product is more or less expensive compared to recent months. In addition, the comparator will also show other stores that have interesting prices. 


This application has a very similar tool to the one mentioned previously. However, it will show you coupons so you can pay less for the iPhone you are looking for. Therefore, it is a good choice if you are looking for coupons not only to buy an iPhone, but also other products.

What is the best app?

To be honest, I believe that all the applications listed above complement each other. If you use them all, you will see that some promotions are found specifically by some apps, while others end up not being identified. Additionally, you can use one app to find discounts, one for coupons, and another to get cashback. This way, the discount is even greater.

Therefore, if you have space on your cell phone, I highly recommend that you download all the alternatives. With the exception of those that are only available as an extension on Google Chrome, you can find them in the app stores for your operating system: Google Play Store if it's Android, App Store if it's iOS.

How to find cheap iPhone accessories?

(Reproduction: MacRumors)

If you are already an iPhone user, then you must know that one of the great pleasures that the brand provides is being able to customize the device with accessories that make it even more beautiful. Some great accessories are cases and even wallets.

ATTENTION: You can find a wide variety of products in the stores we mention, including counterfeit products. However, I recommend that you avoid these alternatives. After all, the quality is questionable and you could be buying a product of even higher quality for a very similar price.

The big tip that you can and should use is to look for brands that are not so famous, but that have good quality. After all, these brands want to grow in the market. Therefore, they deliver a product with excellent quality and a much lower price than their main competitors. This goes for cases, wallets and even headphones.


I'm sure you've heard of this platform. People use the Shopee to buy all types of products: from cell phone cases to even shirts. Low value is one of Shopee's main differentiators. Additionally, you can find events that will reduce prices and even provide free shipping. 

Many people are afraid of shopping on Shopee and ending up being scammed. However, there is a simple way to prevent this from happening: see reviews of the product, the store and comments from people who have already purchased. Normally there will be photos of people with the products, this way, you will be able to see if it really is the way it is described on the product page.

Shopee has a web version, meaning you can buy through your browser. But there is also an application that you can download through the Google Play Store, if you use Android, but also from the App Store, if you use an iPhone. We recommend this platform to buy your iPhone cases and wallets.


This platform also has the same problem: people are afraid that their products will not arrive or that what they receive will be different from what they purchased. Therefore, take the opportunity to research the store and the product thoroughly. Look at reviews to find out if the seller is really trustworthy. 

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AliExpress also has a web platform. Therefore, you won't need to download anything to be able to search for products and make your purchases. However, if you are going to purchase using your cell phone, I recommend that you download the app to make the experience more pleasant. This is a good platform to buy cases and wallets for your iPhone. 


This is the most reliable platform, according to the public, on this list. Therefore, you will be able to navigate more safely through it. There is a huge variety of products that will be available and with a high chance of discounts. Additionally, you can use the apps mentioned at the beginning of the article to find discounts for your accessories too, as Amazon is one of the stores mapped by the apps.

Amazon is one of the platforms dedicated to being available on as many systems as possible. There is even a native application for Linux, which is not as famous an operating system as Windows It is macOS. Therefore, you will find an Amazon version for both Android and iOS. Cases, wallets and headphones are interesting products that you will find on Amazon.

Free market

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Mercado Livre is becoming popular in Brazil in a truly surprising way. The online store is growing precisely because it has a wide variety of products, interesting prices and the possibility of free shipping. This way, you will use the same strategy mentioned above to find reliable sellers and start looking for the best prices.

Mercado Livre also has a web platform that works very well. However, you can use mobile apps if you want to have an even better experience while searching and buying the products you want. Headphones, cases and wallets are some of the best accessories you will find at Mercado Livre. Use your creativity to choose the best products and research the specifications.