Money forgotten in the bank? Find out how to consult and redeem!

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Recently, portals are going viral that are willing to show you how much money you have left in the bank. However, we warn you precisely about your digital security, in which you must be careful on which platforms you will be providing your very important data. Therefore, we will teach you the correct way to find out if you really have money forgotten in the Bank.

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We know that “discovering” money that we weren’t expecting is an incredible feeling, a feeling of blessing at the right time. Therefore, we will show you how to know if you have forgotten money in the Bank so that you can analyze it calmly. I recommend that you read the material calmly so as not to miss any steps.

What is this money forgotten in the Bank?

The internet is full of internet profiles that claim that there are many people with money forgotten in the bank. This way, you are encouraged to find out if you really have money forgotten in the bank. In fact, there really are a large number of people who can receive this unexpected money.

According to the central bank, there is approximately R$ 7.1 billion that can still be redeemed, that is, this value refers to money forgotten in the Bank by individuals (which may even have a value in this calculation). 

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Unfortunately, one of the reasons this value is so high is precisely due to the lack of information. There are thousands of Brazilians who don't know they have this money available. Therefore, it was precisely this lack of quality and reliable information that we developed this article for our readers.

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This information comes from the SRV, which is precisely the Receivable Value System. SRV corresponds to a service developed by the Central Bank for Brazilians to check whether they have forgotten money at the bank where they are customers, consortiums or other types of financial institutions.

It is worth remembering that this R$ 7.1 billion reais corresponds to the total value of money forgotten in the Bank. In fact, according to the SRV, most people who have money forgotten in the Bank (more than 60%) have a value of at most R$ 10 forgotten. However, it is R$ 10 that can help in the daily lives of these individuals, therefore, it is interesting to know how to rescue them.

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However, even though the vast majority of individuals only have a value of up to R$ 10 to redeem, there is still a large proportion of individuals with a high value to be redeemed. After all, the SRV announced that, in May, there were more than 700 thousand people who would be able to withdraw more than a thousand reais.

How to consult?

Now you may be interested in knowing if you also have money forgotten in the Bank. However, we know that figuring out how to consult without falling for scams is one of the biggest challenges for Brazilians. In fact, a large part of our portal is dedicated to bringing reliable information about social programs to prevent you from falling for scams.

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Therefore, the first step will be for you to access the official portal of the Central Bank's Values Receivable System. You can access the portal clicking here. I ask that you pay attention to the link that will open, it has “”. This is the official website, there is no other portal for you to check if you have forgotten money in the bank.

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Next, you will enter your CPF and your date of birth to find out if you have forgotten money. But if you want to know if your company has this forgotten money, you will inform your CNPJ and the date the company opened. If you really have this value, save the date that the system will inform you.

If you don't already have an account on, you can create your account for free clicking here. With the account created, you will return to the initial system with your login and the date informed in the SRV, so that you know the specific amount and can finally request the transfer.

If you missed the date entered in the Amounts Receivable System, know that you can still request it again. However, it is likely that you will not be able to request it on the same day, so you will have to come back to the system at another time. In this case, keep this article to check the steps and not get lost.

Avoid scams

As previously mentioned, there are many people who use the headline “money forgotten in the bank” to deceive honest people. Therefore, we are going to bring you some important tips so that you do not fall for scams published on the internet.

Online scams are a form of fraud that aims to trick people into obtaining personal, financial, or account access information. There are several ways to avoid falling for online scams, such as:

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(Reproduction: Pexels)
  1. Check the source and credibility of emails, messages, websites and advertisements that request data or offer tempting offers. Be wary of unknown senders, spelling mistakes, suspicious links or urgent orders.
  2. Protect devices with antivirus, firewall and strong passwords. Do not share passwords with anyone and change them periodically. Use two-factor authentication whenever possible.
  3. Do not provide personal or financial information via email, telephone or social media. Check whether the websites requesting this data have the HTTPS protocol and a padlock in the address bar, which indicate a secure connection.

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  1. Do not click on links or download files from untrustworthy sources. They may contain viruses, malware or spyware that can steal or damage data.
  2. Report online scams to the competent authorities and alert contacts about possible fraud attempts.
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(Reproduction: Pexels)

By following these five tips, you can protect yourself from online scams and browse the internet with more security and peace of mind. It's worth remembering that, if you don't have experience with the internet, it's a good idea to ask more experienced people to carry out important tasks, such as those that require bank transfers.

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Our portal is full of information that can help you in your day, we have even written about How is it possible to travel without paying for it?. Furthermore, we have also shown how you can being able to generate extra income with already famous apps. Finally, I hope you enjoyed this and our other content.